
  • Article Submission


    Due to the increase in manuscript submissions ahead of the publication schedule, which is June and December. So we hope that the authors can prepare their manuscripts at least 4 months before the publication schedule. This is to avoid the manuscript not being published because the manuscript quota has been met. For the 2024 edition, the manuscript for June 2024 (Vol.8 No.1) has been fulfilled in May, so some other manuscripts are allocated for December 2024 (Vol.8 No.2). This also means that the December 2024 issue is likely to meet its quota in August 2024. For one edition, Arsir journal limits a maximum of 11 manuscripts, which will then be reviewed in accordance with the development of this journal.

    Read more about Article Submission
  • Arsir is migrating to OJS3


    Authors and readers have been alerted that our system is actively upgrading to OJS 3. Manuscripts that have been submitted and are under review will be invited to send them back to the address: Arsir OJS3.
    For the time being, the old Arsir website Arsir OJS2 will remain operational until all users are converted. Please submit it to the new address from now on to ensure that the procedure is accurately recorded. Some submissions that are ready to publish will be asked to be resubmitted but will not be examined again; the authors will be notified via another email.
    Please cooperate and be understanding toward the writers and readers. Thank you.

    Read more about Arsir is migrating to OJS3